Man and his daughter looking at laptop with family seated on the couch behind them

2020 Census

Be Counted.
Take the 2020 Census.

Undercounted Means Underfunded and Underrepresented

An important event that will impact the political power and economic resources of Black communities for the next decade is happening right now: the 2020 Census. The 2020 Census will be used to determine political representation, public services, and federal and state funding until 2030.

How we do this

We partner with national, state, and local groups to encourage and increase the number of families who take the Census. Though the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, has forced people to stay in their homes, you can safely complete the survey on-line, by phone, or by mail. Census takers will also work in communities this fall. Just a reminder, your responses to the questionnaire are confidential and there is not a citizenship question.

Get involved


Complete the Census online and #BeCounted.

Take the Census now


Check current Census self-response rates in your state and local community.

See response rates

Join us

Everyone’s participation in the Census is crucial! Social media platforms are a great way to help us get the word out.

Get the word out